Sks2002 is a British Musician who rose to prominence for his satirical takes on Drama in the Alt-Video Community, and has rose to the rank of moderator on many well known sites. He found the community with Wenoo via Pinkerton within the Old Roblox Community site "Nobelium" which he later said that he "regretted joining the Old Roblox community yet it also helped him find this community he knows and loaves".
Moderating History
From 2019-present, SKS was a mod for the sites VidLii (2021-2022), Vlare (2020-2021), Tracle (2019-2023), WeVidi (2022-present), and currently BitView (2021-2022, 2023-present).
How he got fired off the sites were:
- VidLii and BitView fired him for “taking down opposing opinions”. However Sks leaked his DM’s with Kuz showing there was proof that the owners were lying and that Kuz repeatedly harassed him for his opinions and constantly wanted to start arguments on him. This resulted with members of staff from BitView leaving and another mod destroying BitView.
- Vlare fired him for “leaking private information”. The reality is half true but Sks leaked discord staff chats, including a blank NDA sheet and a Cease and Desist letter which Toby later backed out. The site later got killed off due to the drama with this alongside users finding out that the developers weren’t even doing their jobs and lying through their teeth.